Scientific Committee
Maria Loizidou, National Technical University of Athens, Head
Andreas Andreadakis, National Technical University of Athens
Agapios Agapiou, University of Cyprus
Apostolos Vlyssides, National Technical University of Athens
Celal Gokcay, Middle East Technical University
Costas Costa, Cyprus University of Technology
David Bolzonella, University of Verona
Dimitris Malamis, National Technical University of Athens
Dionisis Mantzavinos, University of Patras
Evangelos Diamantopoulos, Technical University of Crete
Francesco Fatone, University of Verona
Georges Ayoub, American University of Beirut
Gerasimos Lyberatos, National Technical University of Athens
Idil Arslan-Alaton, Istanbul University of Technology
Joan Dosta, University of Barcelona
Katherine-Joanne Haralambous, National Technical University of Athens
Munir Rusan, Jordan University of Science & Technology
Murat Mirata, Linköping University
Nick Voulvoulis, Imperial College
Nicolas Kalogerakis, Technical University of Crete
Okan Komesli, Atatürk Üniversity
Petros Gikas, Technical University of Crete
Simos Malamis, National Technical University of Athens
Ulku Yetis, Middle East Technical University
Ulku Yetis, Middle East Technical University
Vassilis Inglezakis, Nazarbayev University
Zorana Naunovic, University of Belgrade

This Conference has been financed by the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding Program: ARISTEIA Ι: Development of an innovative, compact system that combines biological treatment technologies for the sustainable and environmental management of organic waste streams that are produced from different types of food processing industries - FOODINBIO/2915.

The Conference is co-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund– ERDF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: Synergasia 2009. Action I. Cooperative small- and mid-scale projects (project code: 09SYN-81-1100, full title: Development and implementation of environmental management systems in the framework of the Integrated Product Policy in the textile and food industry).
We would like to thank you very much for your high interest in the IWWATV Conference.